Cost of Bariatric and Obesity Surgery


Based on research, a seriously overweight person spends Rs 7,000 - 15,000 Rs annually on groceries and dining out. Approximately, how much do you spend per month on groceries and dining out?

I am spending about per month on groceries and dining out.


Based on research, a seriously overweight person spends Rs 55,000 annually on prescription. Approximately, how much do you spend per month on prescription?

I am spending about Rs per month on prescription.

Out of pockets healthcare expenses

Based on research, a seriously overweight person spends In India Rs 80,000 on out-of-pocket healthcare expenses each year.

Out-of-pocket healthcare expenses include:

  • Over the counter drugs/remedies such as glucosamine, snore relief remedies, inuprofen, etc
  • Doctor office visits
  • for lab work
  • Visit to a specialists
  • Visit to a physical therapist/allied health professionals

I am spending about per month on out-of-pocket healthcare expenses.

Weight Loss Programmes

Based on research, seriously overweight persons spend Rs 40000 annually on non-surgical weight loss programs.

Examples of non-surgical weight loss programs include:

  • Diet
  • Gym
  • Yoga
  • Other options available in their nearby region etc

I am spending about Monthly on non-surgical weight loss programmes.


All the above expenses will be saved drastically, in addition to improved quality of life. Improved quality of life has no value. Anyone would spends maximum money for pleasure, happiness and safety

However, you get you surgery done almost free of cost if you calculate 2 to 3 years if similar expenses. All further years are just monetary savings for you to enjoy the life that you always desired and deserve.