Math Behind Slow Metabolism, Correlation: Obesity and Metabolism, obesity and metabolism, metabolism and sudden weight gain
There are some who cannot gain weight and some who cannot lose weight. It is all thought to be due to metabolism

What is metabolism is always a mystery to many? Metabolism can control the total fat stored in the body and controls the utilization of energy in the body through various sources

The body needs energy for daily activities like breathing, thinking, beating of heart, cell movements, and actions, etc. Such energy, when spent, is called the resting energy expenditure or some people relate it to Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR. This BMR and energy spent as resting energy can vary from person to person. Some medications, hormonal imbalance, or even obesity can slow down this energy expenditure and can become a cause for more energy saved and stored in the body.

When an obese person tries to lose weight, the body may take it as an insult and try to correct it. This is called homeostasis and depends on various hormones like thyroid hormones, testosterone, female hormones, leptin, insulin, hunger hormones, etc. Many of such hormones are also secreted or affected by the fat cells. The stomach, intestines, and the digestive system play a major role in secreting these hormones and controlling one’s hunger, satiety, energy expenditure, and eventually the weight.

Various studies have evaluated the changes in the body when a person tries to lose weight and they state that your body will try to regain the lost weight by changing its physiology and hormones for weight regain. That is why people find a lack of control over eating when they try to diet. This happens due to the compensatory increase in the hunger hormone, known as ghrelin. Unfortunately, it is wrongly interpreted as a lack of willpower.

Those with morbid obesity have a lowered metabolic rate. Excess weight can induce pressure on the joints giving rise to pain and reduced mobility. Breathlessness on walking due to the weight further adds to weight gain and this slowly becomes a vicious cycle. These patients have a typical history of multiple attempts of weight loss followed by weight regain. Such patients with slower metabolism can be treated by a procedure which can normalize their metabolism. Bariatric and metabolic surgeries are keyhole and daycare procedures that can correct the metabolism as well as hormones and induce weight loss which can be reasonably maintained for many years. It resolves all the weight-related diseases and makes life healthier and more enjoyable. Many patients start believing in this mechanism of metabolism once they witness it and some repent for not getting bariatric surgery earlier!
